TuffSkin Surface Protection used its gloss product to protect the bar at 50 Regent Street, a luxury apartment building in New Jersey.

50 Regent St. in Jersey City, New Jersey, trades on luxury with its high-end rentals. So the urban property uses TuffSkin Surface Protection to keep the bar tops in its luxe rooftop lounge looking new.
TuffSkin principal Lelia Friedlander said the bars’ stone surfaces were showing signs of etching and staining when the property’s designers brought in TuffSkin and its gloss product. TuffSkin covered up 90 percent of the etch marks on the bar tops and the remaining stains are no longer visible.
“We’re very excited to be brought in for luxury apartment properties like 50 Regent,” said Frank Friedlander, Tuffskin’s co-founder and inventor. “The multifamily industry is a relatively new building type for us. As designers and architects are recommending marble more often, the demand for our product is increasing across all types of projects.”
For more than eight years, architect- and designer-recommended TuffSkin Surface Protection, which comes in gloss and satin finishes, has preserved surfaces in hotel rooms, lobbies, restaurants and bars. The company serves hospitality commercial and residential clients in the United States and Canada and around the world.